Friday, December 4, 2009

I die daily

If we awaken each day and think "I will not be alive until evening", and again when we are about to go to sleep, if we think "I am not going to wake up", then we will not take for granted that our life is so certain when we know that it is measured out each day by Providence.

Thus if we are disposed in this way and live each day like this, we will neither sin nor will we desire anything, nor will we be angry with anyone, nor will we lay up treasure for ourselves on earth. But because we expect to die each day, we will live without possessions and will yield everything to everyone. With regard to the lust for women or some other pleasure, we will not even entertain it but, as though passing right by it, will turn ourselves completely away from it, always struggling against it as we look toward the day of judgment.

Anthony the Great, in The Life of St. Anthony

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